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Is it possible to get out of a murder charge in Florida?
One of the worst charges a person can face is murder. It is the only crime in Florida for which the death penalty can be used. If you've...
Can I go to jail if I have a stalking charge in Florida?
Stalking is illegal in Florida under Florida Statutes Section 784.048, which says, "A person commits the crime of stalking if they...
Is it possible to get out of a murder charge in Florida?
One of the worst charges a person can face is murder. It is the only crime in Florida for which the death penalty can be used. If you've...
What can I do if I am accused of domestic violence in Florida?
Domestic violence is a serious offense that carries significant legal and social consequences in Florida. If you are accused of domestic...
What is the maximum penalty for drug sales in Florida?
Drug sale is a serious crime that carries significant legal consequences in Florida. The state has some of the toughest drug laws in the...
My child is illegally detained, who should I turn to for help in Florida?
Warrants and Illegal Arrests: Understanding the Requirements for a Valid Arrest Even if there is a warrant, a police officer may not have...
What are the circumstances to be tried as a juvenile or adult in Florida?
As lawyers for people accused of crimes, we know that this is scary for parents. Like Texas and Arizona, Florida has some of the toughest...
What Are the Penalties for a Violation of Probation in Florida?
Probation is a type of court-ordered supervision that allows offenders to remain in the community while serving their sentence. It is a...
¿Cuándo puedo solicitar que se eliminen mis antecedentes penales en Florida?
Los antecedentes penales pueden tener un impacto duradero en la vida de una persona, afectando potencialmente su capacidad para encontrar...
When can I request that my criminal record be expunged in Florida?
A criminal record can have a lasting impact on a person's life, potentially affecting their ability to find a job, secure housing, or...
¿Qué dice la ley sobre la prostitución en Florida?
La prostitución es un tema controvertido ya menudo estigmatizado que ha sido objeto de numerosos debates y desafÃos legales en los...
What Does the Law Say About Prostitution in Florida?
Prostitution is a controversial and often stigmatized topic that has been the subject of numerous debates and legal challenges across the...
Consecuencias por robo en Florida
El robo es un delito violento en Florida debido a la forma en que se realiza. Dado que este delito implica el uso o la amenaza de...
Consequences for Robbery in Florida
Robbery is a violent crime in Florida because of the way it is done. Since this crime involves using or threatening violence against...
Prostitución y tráfico sexual, ¿son el mismo delito bajo la ley en Florida?
La prostitución y el tráfico sexual son dos delitos diferentes según la ley de Florida. Si bien ambos implican el intercambio de...
Prostitution and sex trafficking, are they the same crime under the law in Florida?
Prostitution and sex trafficking are two different crimes under the law in Florida. While both involve the exchange of sexual services...
He sido acusado de un delito de robo en Florida. ¿Qué tengo que hacer?
Hay muchos tipos diferentes de delitos de hurto, tales como hurto menor, hurto mayor, robo y allanamiento de morada. En general, estos...
I’ve been charged with a theft crime in Florida. What should I do?
There are many different kinds of theft crimes, such as small theft, big theft, robbery, and burglary. Overall, these crimes are put into...
¿Tener un arma sin permiso es un delito grave en Florida?
Todo el mundo comete errores, pero en Florida, si comete un error con un arma, podrÃa ser acusado de un delito grave. Aunque no todos los...
Is having a weapon without permission a felony in Florida?
Everyone makes mistakes, but in Florida, if you make a mistake with a gun, you could be charged with a felony. Even though not all...
¿En qué se diferencia el robo de la entrada ilegal?
Robo y allanamiento son dos términos comunes que se usan en el contexto de los delitos contra la propiedad, pero no son lo mismo. Si bien...
How is burglary different from trespassing?
Burglary and trespassing are two common terms used in the context of property crimes, but they are not the same thing. While both involve...
When Does Driving under the influence Turn Into a Felony in Florida?
Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious crime in Florida, and it can be charged as either a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on...
What Are The Types Of Domestic Violence?
Domestic violence, according to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, is the intentional physical assault, intimidation,...
Stalking; More Serious Than You May Think
Defending Yourself Against Stalking Charges Are you being accused of following somebody around or stalking them? It is possible for a...
What are the penalties for a drug sales charge and a drug use charge?
The State of Florida vigorously prosecutes people accused of drug related crimes. Even very minor offenses are subject to mandatory...
What are the consequences of reckless driving?
According to Florida's reckless driving regulations, anyone who is charged with the offense and convicted on their first offense faces a...
Which are proven defenses for violent crimes such as homicide, murder and manslaughter?
In the state of Florida, both murder and manslaughter are considered to be extremely serious kinds of homicide that, if convicted, can...
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